How to Unclog AC Drain

3 steps to unclog your condensate drain line

What you’ll need:

  • A wet/dry vac
  • Duct tape or cloth towel
  • A hose that can reach your drain line (if you don’t have a wet/dry vac)

Step 1: Locate your condensate drain line exit

Every central air conditioner has a condensate drain line that runs from the indoor air handler to the outside of the home. Look for a white PVC pipe that’s located near your outdoor unit.

What your AC condensate drain line looks like.

Step 2: Connect wet/dry vac to the end of the condensate drain line and make the connection airtight.

Once you’ve located your condensate drain line, attach the end of your wet/dry vac to the end of the line. Then, wrap duct tape or the cloth towel tightly around the connection to make it airtight.

Step 3: Run wet/dry vac for 5-10 seconds. Repeat until clog is removed.

Remove the top of the wet/dry vac. If this process removed the clog, you’ll see brown gunk inside the wet/dry vac.

If your condensate drain is still clogged after this, you’ll need a professional’s help.

If you don’t have a wet/dry vacuum…

Step 1: Locate your condensate drain.

Step 2:Connect garden hose to the condensate drain.
Pull hose toward the condensate drain until you can attach the head of the hose to the opening of your condensate drain.

Step 3: Turn your hose on high for 5 seconds.
Run the hose for short blasts while creating a tight connection with your hand. This should allow the water to push upwards through the drain and break up any clogs.

Step 4:Repeat step 3 until the water runs clear.
If your condensate drain is still clogged after trying this hose method, you’ll need to have a professional clear your condensate drain.

How to keep your condensate drain line from clogging again

Don’t want to deal with a clogged condensate drain ever again?

Preventing clogs is simple: Every spring (before the cooling season), pour a cup of bleach down your condensate drain from the inside. This will prevent mildew and algae from being able to grow in the first place.

Note: To locate your condensate drain line from the inside, you’ll first need to find your indoor unit (usually in an attic or closet space), then look for a white PVC pipe that leads outdoors.

Author: leadpaint



