Category: Uncategorized

  • Turkey in the Oven not a Mouse

    So my tenant’s oven and burners are no longer working on a stove I purchased brand new just two years ago. When I pulled it from the wall, it was immediately clear why: Apparently, a family of mice had found a nice home in the Maytag. They used the insulation for the nest and chewed…

  • New Breakfast Nook and Countertop

    This is the messy living room with bookcase filled with albums. The tenant had lived here for over 15 years and had recently passed. Once we moved everything out, we decided to open up the kitchen wall to create more space. The bookcase was painted and moved to the outer wall. It’s amazing what we…

  • Removing Rusty Steel Pipes

    Also removed and replaced joist. 1. Shower faucet replacement $375 (labor only) 2. Steel pipe replacement and add new cooper water line $475 (labor only)3. Replace 2 inches drain line, replace bathtub pvc trap $975 (labor only) 4. Regrout and silicone shower: 600 We also had to install a new Joist for $700.  Someone had completely…

  • Hole in the Kitchen Subfloor

    There’s a hole in the subfloor. Was probably caused when we jacked up the joists earlier this year The floor is only two years ago. In July 2018, Cam installed a new subfloor and vinyl. So we hired Elmer to make the repair. Elmer installed a jack post in the basement to hold up…

  • DC Room Requirements

    There are four requirements for a room to be considered a bedroom. First the room has to be at least 70 square feet and 7 feet on each side. So the closet that’s 7′ x 1′ would not be considered a bedroom. The walls, ceilings and floor must not have any cracks or holes. An…

  • Lessons from a Busted Sewer Line

    Reflecting: This issue had been inexplicable, unimaginable, unbelievable and the solution appeared untenable.And the lesson — patience, trust, understanding, reflecting and decision making — all virtues of ‘RUNIN’.We’ve had issues before with backups, but never this bad.And the previous issues were caused by tenants pouring kitchen grease, hair and rag products down the drain —…

  • How to Care for a Pleather Couch

    Faux-leather couches can provide the look of expensive leather for a fraction of the cost, but they do require different care than true leather. The upholstery material is sometimes called pleather, which means plastic leather and can refer to a variety of different man-made fabrics. Most pleather does contain some plastic materials, such as polyvinyl…

  • How to Unclog AC Drain

    3 steps to unclog your condensate drain line What you’ll need: A wet/dry vac Duct tape or cloth towel A hose that can reach your drain line (if you don’t have a wet/dry vac) Step 1: Locate your condensate drain line exit Every central air conditioner has a condensate drain line that runs from the…

  • How to Install a Circuit Breaker

    Align the circuit breaker with the bars in the panel.  Tilt the circuit breaker so that the hold-on clip on the bottom of the breaker is attached to the plastic “grab” bar in the panel. Once attached, pivot the circuit breaker on the mechanical contact and roll towards the center of the panel – making…

  • How to Replace Electrical Outlet

    First turn off the breaker from panel box. Wiring is made up of 3 wires: Hot black wire Neutral white Ground copper wire Unscrew wires from the outlet